November 30, 2009

BAILEY - Rotational Ambigram

I think this still needs some a lot of work...but I'm hard stuck for inspiration at the moment. It looked better vertical, so that's the way it is. I'll give some more curved versions a shot, maybe ones with an italic feel to them, but for now, here it is.

Go ahead and tell me how bad the a-e looks, go on, I'm waiting for it...


November 13, 2009

FML - Mirror Ambigram

FML Mirror Ambigram

Original Version

FML Mirror Ambigram (gapped)

Gapped Version


I frequently visit the site for a laugh, although I usually have to search through reams of the FML's to find one worthy.

I made two versions of the ambigram. Any comments on readability?

October 24, 2009

SIGNIFICANCE - Rotational Ambigram


Just a word I got stuck on while looking for phrases. I was looking for a bit of a challenge, something longer than I usually did. This obliged.

October 14, 2009

ME♥YOU - Rotational Ambigram

Original version

Extra-Curved 'O'

I'm hesitant to begin vectorising this one until I get a few opinions on which version is more readable. And yes...'YOU♥ME' is a bit egoistic, but let's try and be optimistic here:)

Share the love...and tell me which one is better.

October 13, 2009

HEY - Rotational ambigram

Somebody asked me whether I could do a continuous ambigram, in a moderately cursive style.

AASHINI - Rotational Ambigram

I tried another method of the 's-h' combination from here. I didn't think the other version would fit in with the font. This took me but 20 minutes, I just used shapes form older designs and combined them.

As for the big flowing lines surrounding the word, tell me if it screws up the aesthetics of the overall piece...


Following up on John Langdon's comment (which surprisingly coincided exactly with what I didn't like about this piece.)

I removed those irritating flowing lines from around the piece. Adding elements like that, to me, seems the visual equivalent of forcing the rhyme in a poem. I hate people who force their poems to rhyme...

I also lengthened the 'H & S'. I initially ad trouble deciding what aspect of the 'h' to lengthen, the stem, or the 'curve'. If I made the stem too long it messed with the viewers perception of the 's', so I went with the latter. Although, now the 'h' is floating a couple of centimetres above the other letters... but we have to compromise :)

October 11, 2009

ZEHRA/SHARIF - Rotational Ambigram Final

All the 'R' needed was a curve. A tiny...minute little curve, and suddenly the whole damn word is readable...

Just goes to show ... we are truly blind. I managed to figure out the necessity of the curve by writing out the letter 50 times, in various handwritings, then analysing them. Glad to say my knowledge of letter structures, gradually expanding, has just been temporarily sated.

Of course, being me, I still cannot stand the capital 'A' in Sharif, but then, I think I'll rest the project for a while.
Oh, and i did end up breaking the continuous line through the piece. It was just messing with the 'E' a bit too much.

Below is my first attempt at 'decorating' an ambigram with these things called...colours.
I think it looks pretty pants, but it's a 'landmark occasion', hopefully I'll get better.

October 10, 2009

ZEHRA/SHARIF - Rotational Ambigram Draft 2

I made a vectorised version, a lot neater, and more uniform.

I changed the 'R' in Zehra, to a capital. I am fully aware of the fact that the 'R' requires you to have an extremely abstract mind to read, but it's conflicting with the 'h'... so well... we'll see. The three versions are different based on the top of the 'H', in Zehra. I cannot determine if any of them are superior in readability. Also, the line going through the letters, spoils the 'E' a bit, but if I break it, the whole piece is thrown off.

I'm still not finished...

October 7, 2009

ZEHRA/SHARIF - Rotational Ambigram Draft 1

A rough, 10 minute sketch. I'm not too happy with the way the 'R' turned out in 'Zehra'. I'm thinking about making it Upper Case, incorporating it's curve into the curve of the 'H' (opposite side).

I've also though about making the 'H' on the 'Sharif' side Upper case...

We'll see :)
I'm just glad that i have a good base to start from. This design could turn out to be really neat.

FISH - Rotational Ambigram

Continuing with the experimentation on gaps...
Maybe I should have made the 'inverted area' in the 'F' and the 'I' a bit wider?

ART – Rotational Ambigram

Original Drawing

Gapped Drawing

Joined Version

I’m doing a bit of experimentation on disjointed letters, and their effects on the perception of the word. Sorry about the lack of straight lines on this one… one of my fingers got stuck in a door :P
Soon enough I’ll be able to use a mouse again to vectroise this.

EDIT: I vectorised it, but something's not right...
I feel that maybe it's too sharp, I should curve it a bit more?
I made two versions, one with gaps in the 'R', and one without. Comments on your preference in terms of readability and aesthetics?

My First Ambigram: HARRY – Rotational Ambigram

Inspirational... Thanks Haribo
My first ambigram…*shudder*
Actually…I like it. I really do. In my first attempt I think I managed to discover many aspects of ambigram drawing that i would later use more extensively.
I know…the ’h’ looks weird… you cannot see the ‘double r’…
But think of the achievements!
I made a moderately legible ‘a’ and ‘y’. And though I seem to have lost this drawing style (I started ambigrams at the same time I started tribal drawings), I really believe it has depth and potential. Somehow the lack of ‘block uniformity’, something so prevalent in many designs I’ve seen, gives this piece it’s own appeal.
PS: I did make a newer version of this, more recently, with a three year gap between the two. I’ve yet to find the scrap of paper it was on, but I'll update the post with it below.

October 4, 2009

DC Ambigrammatic Font Play

The original Logos

Old English DC Logo

Logo based on ‘Old English’ font


Logos based on ‘AB BERKELY’ font. Multiple arrangements, pertaining towards the ‘30 years’ original logo.

September 25, 2009

RELIVE - Rotational Ambigram

My second attempt for the ACAC. I actually sent this one in. Continuing with the Resurrection theme.

September 24, 2009

RESURGANCE : Rotational Ambigram

This was my first attempt for the ACAC (Formerly, NAC):

The theme was resurrection, and I got hooked on words starting with 're'. I didn't like the way this turned out, so I didn't consider vectorising it. However, I'm starting to have second thoughts.

SAMEH - Rotational Ambigram

This was my aspiration from the start... to make my name.
However, after I sat down with my trusty PC, now feel like short-circuiting it, as this vectorisation looks nothing like my drawing.
Still, though my motivation is lost ;), I think I can improve it later. Maybe I'll have a better idea for the 'S-H' combination.

BIGFORRAP - Rotational Ambigram

I decided to make myself a logo. Surprisingly it turned out well. Even more surprisingly, the first draft took a mere 5 minutes. Know how I celebrated the achievement? Spent 3 hours screwing up the vectorising process...

I have never been a fan of mixing upper and lower case letters. Sure, i did that a lot when i first started out, but as I improved, and my ability to avoid this mismatch greatened, I chose simply not to. hence, the display of 2 ambigrams above.

The 'A' at the end, in bigforrAp, is lower case in one, and upper in the other. While I prefer the lower case, my 'testers' said they couldn't read the 'g' when the 'a' curved in. That's why I also created the ambigram utilising a capital A, which is easily readable...but makes me want to tear my hair out.

Don't even mention the 'F'... it is lower case. ;)

Khan-e-Alam - Rotational Ambigram

This was my first fully successful vectorisation. The name is Urdu, or ethnically Pashto I believe. Hence, in accordance with the proper pronunciation, there should be an 'e' between the words 'Khan' and 'Alam' (see title). However, i found that none of the 'e' variations I implemented really fit into the font, so I decided to leave it out entirely.

SAMEH - سامح Multilingual Rotational Ambigram

SAMEH - سامح  Multilingual Rotational Ambigram

This ambigram was a result of a mindless doodle on my notebook, which opened to me the possibility of multilingual ambigrams.

September 1, 2009

Contact Me

About Me

Sameh Khan portrait

3 years doing ambigrams already? Who knew at 16 I'd feel so experienced

I started with Angels & Demons fresh in my mind. Obsessive it seems, the way I was attracted to the artwork I saw then. Astounded I was, so much so that like every other fan-boy in the world I started turning the book 180 degrees unstoppably...and loving every angle of the elemental wonders. 

I was in awe of the art then, I am in awe of the art now

I am glad to say that I am one who improves himself. I open my mind, and search for new ideas, sometimes even beyond what I practice. The community I have recently discovered lays many foundations for me. There have been many artists who have already achieved what I am achieving. But that is art.

Nothing achieved has been achieved before


My name is Sameh Khan, 16 years of age, and lifelong resident of the UAE. I can converse fluently in English and am adequate at Urdu and French. Just in case you want to talk to me in any of the three.

I also write poetry, or such that I attempt to pass off as: My Poetry Site

Before launching this blog, I had a Deviantart Page. However, that site proved to be too congested, with little time given to newcomers. Nevertheless, my first attempts at macro-photography are saved there,as well as a few of my older ambigrams (for comparison). There are other fields of art I delved into, such as Windows customisation, and abstract painting. I just think that keeping that page intact will serve as a reminder to me as to what I've tried, before settling down in ambigrammatic wonder.


I hope my site will offer you an insight as to the depth of this art. Please navigate through my designs via the list on the left, and feel free to contact me should you have any queries whatsoever. I do respond to requests, but please keep in mind that I do ambigrams a hobby, hence prioritise my studies higher.